Letting Go of Regrets

The past couple of weeks I found that I had been having a difficult time, kind of beating myself up; feeling full of regrets and "would have's" and "could have's".
Thinking back on the last 3 roller coaster years of my life and thinking of all of the trials I have been put through. Hearing people talk about it all and bring it up to me, I found myself getting so frustrated. I found myself putting the blame on me.

 "If I would have chosen a different path, I could have avoided all of this pain."
"If I would've chosen differently, maybe I would have ended up with the right person from the start."
"If I would have left sooner, I would not have gotten hurt."
"If I would have stood up for myself sooner, I could have avoided the mistreatment."
"If I would have, then I could have..."

All of these thoughts and more just circling my mind over and over; wishing I could go back in time to erase it all and fix all of it. 

"Why did you not get away sooner Jacey?"
"Why did you sacrifice your happiness for that?"
"Why didn't you choose this path?"
"What is wrong with me?"
"How could you be so dumb?"
"Why didn't you stand up for yourself from the beginning?"
"How have the last 3 years been such an awful waste?"
"How could you make that mistake?"

Thoughts like these will just tear you to pieces so easily. 
Letting the devil control your weaknesses and place so much sorrow into your heart, Making you feel worthless and angry. 
Feeling the weight of all of my regrets, today I came across this quote:
There is nothing that I can do about the past, or about the trials that I have been given.
You can't let your regrets and your "would have's" and "could have's" overwhelm your mind and trouble your heart. 
There is a brighter future ahead and a whole lot of strength to be drawn from the challenges I have faced over the years. 
My heavenly father has entrusted me with some of the most difficult trials, and I know that those have been a measure of his trust in me.
They are not something that I can change. But they are experiences that I have learned so much from. 
It hard to see these trials as blessings, but that is what they are. 

I have become the best version of myself as I have come to find myself, rely on my savior, and to find all of my strength and see the greatness and beauty within me.

So, I am letting go of my regrets

I don't have time for them to weigh down on my shoulders. I have better things to look ahead to. I have places to go, things to accomplish, and good people to surround myself with and to love. 
I may have been through more than your average bear at my younger age, but I wouldn't be who I am today without it all. 
I am strong and happy and am doing the best that I can, and my father in heaven knows me perfectly and sees my efforts. 
Now-a-days I have a million more reasons to be happy than not to be.
Regrets and "would have's" and "could have's" don't deserve a place in my day, and they won't have one. 

I am looking forward with hope and not backwards with regret. 

xoxo - Jacey Lane


  1. This post made me think of this quote by C. S. Lewis:
    "Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what he is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on: you knew those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently he starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make sense. What on earth is he up to?
    "The explanation is that he is building quite a different house from the one you thought of — throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards. You thought you were going to be made into a decent little cottage: but he is building a palace."
    I'm sure you've heard this quote before, but it's such a good one I thought I'd share it anyway! I really look up to you, especially for trying to keep this perspective. Someday you'll look back and see these three years weren't a waste at all and you did the best you could with the challenges that were thrown at you! Keep going, Jacey!

    1. Aw I love love love this! Thanks anne youre the best!


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